By popular demand, we are excited to announce the addition of Mindinfusions Therapy Sessions, featuring Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones of North Shore & City Hypnotherapy Australia! And we have added surround sound to make listening even more powerful, and hypnotic video for extra intrigue!

Are you addicted to or obsess about food more than is comfortable for you?
Do you binge eat, restrict, overeat, eat more junk food than you would like or suffer from disordered eating?
Do you find it difficult to eat intuitively, follow healthy eating principles or make healthy lifestyle choices?

If yes, this Series may be the breakthrough you’ve been looking for!

This Food Addiction & Obsession Free: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series has been a recipe for success for Samantha’s Clinical Hypnotherapy Practice, helping to break the cycle of food addiction and obsession for clients and others. The reinforcement of daily hypnotherapeutic suggestions and the brainwave training via Alpha and Theta entrainment are highly beneficial and an amazing self-help tool. People feel deeply relaxed, open, peaceful, and light-hearted when their brainwaves are in these ranges, often the way people feel while engaging in their food related addictions and obsessions.
It has been shown that a lack of certain Alpha, Theta and SMR (Sensorimotor Rhythm, see SMR: Brainwave Series [] as a companion Series to this one) brainwaves are characteristics of the addictive brain. So, you can see how, from a physiological perspective, people can easily fall into addictions, perhaps even to recreate these feelings.

People caught up in the cycle of addiction, also respond well to SMR: Brainwave Series which helps by quietening the chatter in the mind, aiding sleep, reducing over and hyper arousal/ ADHD characteristics and panicky feelings. For best results, we suggest using this Series in conjunction with the SMR: Brainwave Series (

Targeting the physiological - encouraging the brain to produce these special brainwaves with this Series and/or SMR: Brainwave Series (the “inside-out” perspective) - and the psychological – the use of hypnosis and hypnotherapeutic suggestions to encourage better self-esteem and confidence, tuning in to your body, and thus softening of the addictive and obsessive nature, integrating with soothing ambient music with enhanced surround sound and mesmerizing hypnotic video (the “outside-in” perspective)- is an extensive and innovative approach to food addiction and obsession.

This Series, “Food Addiction & Obsession Free: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series”, consists of Sessions 1 to 6 (30 minutes each) plus Accelerator Sessions 1 to 3 (1 hour each), for a total of 9 Sessions over 6 hours. Each Session increases in intensity and the Accelerators strengthen, reinforce, and expedite the process of change.

Background music/nature sounds: Deep Ambience with Soprano Vocals, Seductive Ambience with Sitar and Airy Ambience with Hypnotic Koto.

Here is what people are saying:
“A light bulb went on and somehow I am far more controlled with food in a natural kind of a way. It has been refreshing to just live my life, eating well, and enjoying food playing a much less important role in my thinking. Such a welcome relief.”

“I used the combination of Food Addiction & Obsession Free: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series and SMR: Brainwave Series. I thought if I am going to give this a go I had better do it right. I actually don’t care as much now about the rules I had spent years imposing on myself – it was a miserable existence! I’m pleased to say that I am eating more or less intuitively, being social and focusing on the positives. Thank you!”

“Samantha I want to convey how helpful this Series has been for me, as well as the hypnotherapy we did together to uncover and resolve my habitual emotional overeating. It has been great to have reinforcements via this platform and continue to forge those new neural pathways for habit change. I’ve naturally dropped some weight and most importantly I am being kind to myself on this journey.”

“A funny thing happened. I stopped the burgers, buns, and fast food, and started eating greens and protein. Feel better than I have in years. Aches and pains all but gone. I’m running rings around the boys at work that are half my age. Weight is coming off. No cravings. Too easy!”

“It was all or nothing. I had a lot of difficulty moderating my food intake and would spend hours documenting, researching, and thinking about what, when and how to eat next, did I deserve it and would I be able to stop myself from having more. Invariably I felt guilty about wanting more or actually eating more. It was pure torture. This and the SMR really helped open me up to incorporating more compassion and accepting invitations even if I wasn’t perfect for the day. I learned to trust that I can listen to my body and know what hunger is and moderate my intake accordingly. Thank you Samantha.”
If you are ready for an ultra-fresh start, there is no time like the present to begin now!

Instructions For Use
The Series are self-paced. For each Series, listen to Session 1, Session 2, and Accelerator 1, in order on consecutive days (1 per day). Do this a number of times until you are ready for the next trio, Session 3, Session 4, and Accelerator 2. Listen to them on consecutive days in order until you are ready to move on to Session 5, Session 6 and Accelerator 3. If you are also using the SMR Brainwave Series (, use it at least 3 hours before one of these Sessions or directly after an Alpha or Theta Session for maximum effectiveness.

These Sessions are designed to be used with the eyes closed. These products are not suitable to loop, nor suitable to play out loud on speakers. Good quality stereo or surround sound headphones are recommended for the superior sound effects and benefits derived in training the brain.

This Series is not for use by anyone who is epileptic or prone to seizures; wears a pacemaker; is schizophrenic, psychotic, or prone to auditory hallucinations.

Please do not use any Mindinfusions product while, or within an hour of: driving, operating heavy machinery, bathing, sunbathing, or while doing anything that being deeply relaxed could result in harm to you or anyone else.

* Mindinfusions Therapy Sessions contain powerful, life-enhancing technologies. However, they are not intended as a substitute for medical or psychological advice and/or treatment. No medical or health claims are intended, expressed, or implied. If you suffer from any medical condition or illness, please seek the advice of your medical physician or specialist.
** Individual results may vary.

  • INTRO: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series

    Hello and a very warm welcome to Mindinfusions Therapy Sessions. Our comprehensive Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series contain innovative Brainwave Technology and powerful hypnotherapeutic suggestions, including the voice of Australia’s most trusted and successful Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jo...

  • Session 1 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 1 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Deep Ambience with Soprano Vocals (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delivering hyp...

  • Session 2 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 2 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Deep Ambience with Soprano Vocals (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delivering hyp...

  • Accelerator 1 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Accelerator 1 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (60 mins)
    Music: Deep Ambience with Soprano Vocals (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delivering...

  • Session 3 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 3 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Seductive Ambience with Sitar (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Intensified Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delive...

  • Session 4 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 4 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Seductive Ambience with Sitar (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Intensified Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delive...

  • Accelerator 2 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Accelerator 2 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (60 mins)
    Music: Seductive Ambience with Sitar (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha Jones, delivering mor...

  • Session 5 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 5 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Airy Ambience with Hypnotic Koto (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Powerfully intensified Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha...

  • Session 6 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Session 6 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (30 mins)
    Music: Airy Ambience with Hypnotic Koto (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Powerfully intensified Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Samantha...

  • Accelerator 3 (FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypno & Brainwave)

    Accelerator 3 of FOOD ADDICTION & OBSESSION FREE: Hypnotherapy & Brainwave Series (60 mins)
    Music: Airy Ambience with Hypnotic Koto (surround sound with hypnotic video)
    Powerfully intensified Alpha & Theta Brainwave Training with various voices, including the voice of Clinical Hypnotherapist Sama...